Here we shall explore resources created by/for the gender diverse community from all over Australia.

GQ – Gender Questioning
GQ: Gender Questioning is a resource produced by GLHV in conjunction with the Trans Melbourne Gender Project. It is designed to provide information and support to young people between 16 and 25 who are questioning their gender or supporting someone who is doing so.
Gender Questioning Book GLHV

ACON Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusive Language Guide
This document has been authored by Teddy Cook, a man of trans experience who is employed by ACON. This amazing document outlines inclusive language and gives explanations why words hurt. It is simple and informative.
TGD_Language-Guide ACON March 2019

ACON also created TransHub, check it out here!

Rainbow Families -Trans and Gender Diverse Parents Guide
Rainbow Families – Breastfeeding, Chestfeeding and Human Milk Feeding: supporting LGBTQIA+ families
Rainbow Families – Rainbow Families is the voice for and champion of LGBTQ+ families and prospective parents in NSW. Our support network is run for the community by the community – we are volunteer-powered. We are here to advocate for, empower and celebrate the love and support that every individual is entitled to.

Gender Centre of NSW – Polare Magazine
In addition to a range of face to face services, online resources, fact sheets and much more GCNSW also publishes a regular magazine called Polare just for the gender diverse community that is free to download.
You can find the current magazine plus all the back issues by clicking here.

Grunt is about hot, fun, informed sex between trans guys and cis guys. It’s a celebration of who we are and the guys we are into. A space to get accurate, inclusive and sex-positive sexual health information so we can keep it safe, keep it hot and have awesome sex. The program is no longer running, but the following booklet is still a good resource that was published in 2016.
Download the GRUNT booklet (note 18+ advised)

Transgender Victoria
TGV is Victoria’s leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy. We work to achieve justice, equity and inclusive service provision for trans and gender diverse people, their partners, families and friends.
Check the website here

Zoe Belle Gender CollectiveZoe Belle Gender Collective (ZBGC) is a trans and gender diverse led advocacy organisation based in Victoria, Australia. They publish many resources including posters, language guides, support directories and practice guides. 

Equinox is a peer led Trans and Gender Diverse (binary and non-binary) Health Service operated by the Thorne Harbour Health.
Check the website here

more to come!