In this section we will add a series of resources, fact sheets and other helpful items that have been created by the gender diverse community. This is a wonderful way to support knowledge shared by those with lived experience!

The Gender Dysphoria Bible
The purpose of this site is to document the many ways that Gender Dysphoria can manifest, as well as the numerous forms of gender transition, in order to provide a guide for those who are questioning, those who are starting their transgender journey, those already on their path, and those who simply wish to be better allies.
Check the website here!

The Gender Book
This resource was created with the goals to educate everyone (for example: doctors, friends, schoolteachers, family and individuals who are exploring their gender) about gender. To be a free & widely disseminated resource that points readers towards comprehensive sources. To alleviate societal oppression & misunderstanding of gender minorities through education.
Check the website here!

Primed: A Sex Guide for Trans Men Into Men was the first sexual health resource written by and for gay, bi and queer trans men. It was first published in 2007, and updated in 2015. Based on an Ontario-wide assessment of the sexual health needs of gay, bi and queer trans men, Primed prioritizes our diverse bodies, desires, and sexualities. This resource will spark discussion about the many ways that trans men have sex and how we interact with our gay/queer men’s communities.Topics covered in the guide include: disclosure, finding sex and cruising, safer sex and harm reduction, HIV and other STIs, and more!
Check the website here!
Download Primed Booklet

More to come soon!